1977 – She was born in Odessa on August 3.
1997 – Started to participate in municipal, regional and international exhibitions
1999 – She graduated from the K.D. Ushynsky South-Ukrainian State Pedagogical university, profession "Imitative Arts", qualification of master of pedagogical education, a teacher of imitative arts.
2002 – She graduated from assistance-probation of the National Academy of imitative arts and architecture and got complete higher education at specialty "Imitative arts and arts and crafts" and got the qualification of artist-painter, teacher.
2002 – She is a member of the National union of artists of Ukraine.

Personal exhibitions:

1998 – "Scent of spring", gallery "House of Frapolli", Odessa
2001 – "Secret Places", Franko Central City library, Odessa.
2004 – "Meetings on te banks", the Foundetion for the Arts development, Kyiv.
"Between heaven and Earth", Republican House of Actor, Kyiv.
2007- "120 months", Republican House of Writers of Ukraine, Kyiv.
2008- "Art-Kyiv", Ukranian House, Kyiv
2009-"Marchuk's country estate", village of Kozychanka, Kyiv Oblast

International exhibitions:

2009-"Connecting art" "ArTtu" Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2009-Львовский осенний салон "Высокий замок", г.Львов.


1997-1999 – Yasky village, Odessa region
2000 – Kyslyci village, Izmayilsky district of Odessa region
2000 - Crimea.
2001 – Vilkovo, Odessa region
2002, 2003 – Nemirov, Vinnitsa region
2003 – Soymy, Carpathians
2004 –"Nu" on the back of the sea, AR Crimea
2005 – "Golden Adriatic", Croatia
2006 - Kinburnska Tongue of land.
2006 - Feodosia.
2006 - "Temptation", Crimea.
2006 - Bubnische, Carpathians.
2007 - "Hunting for solar hare", Kremenets.
2007 - "Live Fire", Lekeche, Carpathians.
2007 - "Temptation", Abkhazia.
2007 - Soymy, Carpathians
2008 - "Live Fire", Vighnytca, Carpathians.
2010 - "When the nightingales sing" gallery "ART L", Ukraine
2011 - "Anticipation of the holiday," gallery "Silver Bells", Ukraine
2011 - "Color Sky", gallery "Art L", Ukraine
2011 - "Journey of Happyness" Art Hall "Kairos" gallery Olga Bogomolets, Ukraine
2012 - "Spring nocturnes", National Museum of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv,Ukraine
2012-2013- Series of exhibitions of single picture, "National Palace "Ukraine", Kiev


Odessa Museum of Local History
Nikolaev of V.V.Vereschagin Art Museum
Ivan Gonchar Museum, Kiyv
Makarov Art Gallery

The works are in many private collections of the world – Germany, Mexico, USA, Australia, England, Canada, Ukraine and etc...

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Artwork name: Fish Day

Slideshow Slideshow

oil on canvas
60 x 40 cm
(24" x 16")

Price: £600 GBP