New Artist Submit Form

Artists wishing to submit their work for our portfolio are welcome. Please use this form to send us your contact details and examples of your work.

Once you have filled in all your details and uploaded your images your application will be considered very carefully. We do our upmost to provide feedback as soon as possible after your images have been submitted. We receive a vast number of submissions daily and, regrettably, our resources do not allow us to reply to all of the submitted applicants.

*First Name:

*Last Name:



*Post Code:



*E-mail address:



Fax Number:



Access Code:

*Please Enter the Access Code:

You can upload up to 8 images with descriptions. IMPORTANT! Each image must be .jpg or .jpeg format and up to 80 KB for the system to work.

Image #1:

Image #1 description:
(title, year, technique, size, artist price)

Image #2:

Image #2 description:
(title, year, technique, size, artist price)

Image #3:

Image #3 description:
(title, year, technique, size, artist price)

Image #4:

Image #4 description:
(title, year, technique, size, artist price)

Image #5:

Image #5 description:
(title, year, technique, size, artist price)

Image #6:

Image #6 description:
(title, year, technique, size, artist price)

Image #7:

Image #7 description:
(title, year, technique, size, artist price)

Image #8:

Image #8 description:
(title, year, technique, size, artist price)